Know Before you Buy Part 2 With the increased knowledge as to the many benefits of Hemp Extract Oil and cannabinoids, there has been an influx in companies starting to produce their own version of CBD Oil or Hemp Extract Oil. The ambiguity as to which companies are producing a quality product has made it…
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Know Before You Buy Part 1: Cannabis Oil vs Hemp Seed vs Hemp Extract Oil
With the increased knowledge as to the many benefits of Hemp Extract Oil and cannabinoids, there has been an influx in companies starting to produce their own version of CBD Oil or Hemp Extract Oil. The ambiguity as to which companies are producing a quality product has made it harder for consumers who are…
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Products Sold in Stores and Online Mislabeled
An interesting article from the Journal of the American Medical Association talking about how many hemp extract oils on the market are being mislabeled. That is why we feel that it is so important to be transparent about what is found in our products. Not only where and how our plants are sourced, but also…
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